Join The Wild Cause Club

Sign up to become a member, collect points to get exclusive rewards on every buy.

How It Works

Use this section to explain a set of product features, to link to a series of pages, or to answer common questions about your products. Add images for emphasis.


 Register and instantly gain 200 points.


Collect points when you shop, review, and share


Use points for special discounts.

Earn Points In Many Ways

300 Points

Spend over $300.

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5 Point per Dollar

Every dollar spent earns a point.

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200 Points

Sign up and start with 200 points.

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200 Points

Write a review.

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300 Points

Include a photo with your review.

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500 Points

Add a video to your review.

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200 Points

Like our page on Facebook.

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200 Points

Follow us on Instagram.

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200 Points

Subscribe to our texts.

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How To Use Your Points

Using your points is simple! Just click 'Redeem My Points' and paste your code at checkout.

100 points equal $1

$10 Off

1000 Points

$20 Off

2000 Points

$40 Off

4000 Points

$60 Off

6000 Points

$80 Off

8000 Points

$100 Off

10,000 Points